A teenage delinquent befriends a surly magician who helps her navigate her inner demons and dysfunctional family with sleight of hand magic, in a coming-of-age comedy that touches on unlikely friendsh...
并不富裕的伊莱扎(乌玛•瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)与丈夫以及两个年幼的孩子挤在曼哈顿的一间小小的公寓里。虽然伊莱扎一直都想成为一名专业的作家,但是无奈两个孩子年幼,而丈夫又要上班,所以她只能当起了全职妈妈,写作也只能在料理家务的间隙进行。这天是女儿卡拉拉六岁的生日, 伊莱扎一早便开始为生日会采购。可是谁能料到这样重要的一天竟然状况百出。当伊莱扎为了女儿的生日会四处奔波之际,她不禁为自己“无...
the 2022 releases include two new entries to the popular DC Universe movies and DC Animated Movies canons – Green Lantern: Beware My Power and Battle of the Super Sons – as well as a film for younger ...